
MMC-America Narcotic Test Kits

MMC-America's Synthetic Drug Presumptive Field Tests offer reliable detection for substances like K2, Spice, Bath Salts, and more. These tests help law enforcement quickly identify synthetic cannabinoids and synthetic cathinones. MMC's Cocaine Presumptive Field Tests include trace wipes, identification spray, and pipettes for easy and effective cocaine detection. Additionally, MMC Narcotic Test Kits cover a broad range of drugs, including heroin, methamphetamine, Fentanyl, GHB, and LSD, making them essential tools for law enforcement in the field. CopQuest offers competitive pricing and quick quotes for volume purchases. The MMC Tests are NIJ and UNODC compliant and MMC's laboratory focuses on the production and development of narcotic identification products. MMC-America is certified by Veritas and is EN ISO 9001-2000 Certified.

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