

Uncle Mike's Inside-the-Pocket Holster

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Uncle Mike's Inside-the-Pocket Holster - Closeout

Small automatics (.22 to .25 caliber)SOLD OUTCloseout $8.02
Retail $13.95
No: 40-1550-000
Mfg: 87441
Most .380sStock: 1Closeout $8.02
Retail $13.95
No: 40-1551-000
Mfg: 87442
2-inch, 5 shot revolvers; Sigma .380 caliberSOLD OUTCloseout $8.02
Retail $13.95
No: 40-1552-000
Mfg: 87443
Most sub-compact 9mm/.40 caliber automaticsStock: 1Closeout $8.02
Retail $13.95
No: 40-1553-000
Mfg: 87444

Uncle Mike's Inside-the-Pocket Holster - Closeout. Inside-the-Pocket holsters keep clothes clean, firearms functional.

Laminated construction lessens print-through recognition, cushions the wearer's leg from sharp contours of the firearm, and provides a barrier against perspiration.

Open-top holster provides grip-up positioning and prevents the movement of levers, buttons or catches that are common to loose pocket carry.

Non-slip material band surrounds holster body to retain holster in pocket when firearm is drawn.

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