5.11 Ferro Knife5.11 Ferro Knife5.11 Ferro Knife5.11 Ferro Knife5.11 Ferro Knife5.11 Ferro Knife

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5.11 Ferro Knife

Our Price $34.00 | You Save 8% | Retail $37.00
No: 45-9106 | Mfg: 51145-999

5.11 Ferro Knife. Compact, yet supremely durable and versatile, the 5.11 Ferro Knife is an essential tool for outdoor enthusiasts and survivalists. The stainless steel blade is more than ready for any task, especially with a Teflon® protective coating for easy cleaning and maintenance. The Ferro stick produces sparks of 3,000-plus degrees Fahrenheit when scraped against the strike surface. In the most remote locations or uncertain situations, keep the 5.11 Ferro Knife on hand.

5.11 Ferro Knife Features:

  • 2.3" Drop point blade
  • Integrated Ferro Rod with wrist lanyard
  • High visibility coated stainless steel blade
  • Injection-molded sheath exposed Ferro strike edge
  • 5.75" Over All Length
  • 0.15" Thick blade
  • 6.125" Over All Length in sheath
  • 0.23" Diameter ferro rod with 1.70" long striking surface
  • 2.25" Ferro rod length (not including lanyard)

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